- Accessories
- Adventurer's Bracelet
- Adventurer's Pendant
- Adventurer Boots
- Adventurer Headband
- Adventurer Leather Armour
- Afterimage
- Afterimage Wiki
- Afterimages
- Agile Claw
- Amethyst Necklace
- Amethyst Ring
- Ancient Spiritual Meat
- Anemo Dust
- Anemo Wings
- Anemogrim
- Arcane Necklace
- Armor
- Aros' Pearl Rosary
- Aurogon
- Aurogon Shanghai
- Behemoth Killer
- Berserker
- Bird Meat
- Black Rock Heart
- Black Sauce
- Black Whip
- Black and White Belt - Yang
- Black and White Belt - Yin
- Blackwood Blade
- Blade of Lost
- Bless of Guardian
- Blessing of Samsare
- Bloodbath
- Bloody Nobility
- Blue Gel
- Boots of Secret
- Bracelet of Bravery
- Bronze-Handle Whip
- Bronze Blade
- Calamity Ring
- Ceremonial Blade
- Characters
- Clam
- Clammy Whistle
- Clear Flake
- Cloak of Secret
- Clover
- Crimson Cape
- Crown of Goddess
- Crystals of Despair
- Dauntless
- Deathmatch
- Desert Pupa
- Emblem of Sword and Shield
- Emerald Stem
- Emperor's Bug
- Energy Oil
- Exotic Clothes
- Exotic Geta
- Exotic Mask
- Eye of Gongor
- Eye of Truth
- Faithful Blessing
- Fatal Ring
- Flame Plant
- Flametail Meat
- Flamewalker's Boots
- Floppy Mage's Hat
- Floppy Mage's Hat+
- Floral Boots
- Floral Dress
- Floral Tiara
- Flowcutter
- Flower Badge
- Flower Bracelet
- Flower of Confluence
- Flowerspray Dagger
- Fluffy Ears
- For Cinra Only
- Fotia
- Fragrant Root
- Furious Jade Pendant
- Geo Carapace
- Geo Dust
- Ghost Pipe
- Golden Fish
- Golden Grain
- Gorgeous Boots
- Gorgeous Dress
- Gorgeous Tiara
- Grapeling Pearl
- Greatsword Emblem
- Grey Jade Ring
- Guardian Armour
- Guardian Helmet
- Guardian Legguard
- Halo of Genesis
- Hastewalker
- Heart of Sun
- Heresy Hood
- Hermit's Cape
- Hollow Vessel
- Holy Whip
- Hood of the White Owl
- Hornbeast Claw
- Hornbeast Fang
- Hornbeast Helm
- Hydro Dust
- Ifree
- Ingredients
- Instinct
- Ironskin Cape
- Jade Blade
- Juicy Meat
- Kamui
- Karsa
- Kurasame
- Lavastone Necklace
- Lavastone Ring
- Left-Wing Feather of Windwalker
- Life-saving Badge
- Life Lock
- Mage Master's Headband
- Magic Burst
- Marble Flower
- Mask of Eseus
- Mask of Secret
- Mask of Uncle White
- Mask of a Maniac Mage
- Medium Rare Mushroom
- Meem Jam
- Miner's Treasure
- Mithril Armour
- Mithril Helmet
- Mithril Legguard
- Modus Games
- Monster Hunter
- Moonlight
- Moonlight Band
- Moonlight Boots
- Moonlight Robe
- Moonshadow Band
- Moonshadow Boots
- Moonshadow Robe
- Mulberry Flower
- Muramasa
- Mushroom Spore
- Mysterious Doll
- Mystic Coin
- Mythical Boots
- Mythical Gloves
- Mythical Hairpin
- Mythical Robe
- Nameless
- Necklace of Bravery
- Nosferatu's Fangs
- Nuo Mask
- Ocean Slug
- Odd Badge
- Ore Armour
- Ore Helmet
- Ore Legguard
- Oreep Meat
- Owl's Charm
- Owl's Hood
- Owl's Peeking
- Owl's Pendant
- Owl's Robe
- Owl's Slippers
- Palerock Remains
- Parasitic Seed
- Perfume Pouch
- Pious Blessing
- Plate of Kingworm
- Plumage of the White Owl
- Plume Crown
- Prism Gale
- Prism Stone Necklace
- Prism Stone Ring
- Pure Water
- Pyro Calamity
- Pyro Cape
- Pyro Dust
- Radiant Necklace
- Rainbow Egg
- Rainbow Grit
- Rainfall Messenger
- Remains of a Broken Sword
- Remex Armour
- Remex Boots
- Remex Helmet
- Reminiscence of the Sun
- Remnant Blade
- Renee
- Right-Wing Feather of Windwalker
- Ritual Necklace
- Ritual Ring
- Sacred Seed
- Sacred Seed+
- Sands of Hope
- Scavenger
- Scorched Orb
- Scorching Judgement
- Scourge of Blossom
- Sen no Sen
- Shade
- Shiny Quartz
- Silent Leggings
- Silent Mask
- Silent Robe
- Sky Snail
- Slide Master
- Soft Lavachunk
- Soft Meat
- Soul-catcher Kettle of Jungong Spirit
- Soulcutter
- Space Block
- Spellbreaker
- Spirit Dust
- Spirit Essence
- Spirit Shard
- Staff of the Occult Prime
- Sucker Tentacle
- Surviving Slip
- Sweet Grit
- Sword of the Lake
- Testing Ring
- The Remembrance of Blood
- Thorns
- Torment Whip
- Tough Meat
- Tranquil Jade Pendant
- Treasurescope of Se
- Tree Radish
- Twin's Left Ring
- Twin's Right Ring
- Twinborn Armour
- Twinborn Boots
- Twinborn Helmet
- Unbreakable Rose
- Unbreakable Shell
- Venom Spore
- Visitor's Broken Pocketwatch
- Wandering Warrior's Necklace
- Wandering of the White Owl
- Warrior King's Wristband
- Water of the Well
- Weapons
- Whip
- White Sauce
- White Stone Heart
- White Tail Feather
- Windwalker's Anklet
- Windwalker's Helmet
- Withering Dagger